Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There! Wiki

Emroy (エムロイ Emuroi) is the God of Darkness, War, Death, Violence, and Insanity. Like the other gods of the Special Region, Emory sometimes directly interact with their followers through either oracles or by sending an Apostle to deliver the message. Emroy has never been depicted in the Anime, Manga or Light Novels, and little is revealed about their personality, though they are implied to be bloodthirsty and violent in nature. Their nature covers both crime and execution, suggesting they seeks to propagate violence, but care little for the reason behind it. It is also possible that this paradoxical nature could be associated with the fact that insanity is another aspect of theirs. One of Emroy's apostles is Rory Mercury and a few unnamed Apostles.

Emroy's Apostles will transcend after reaching their 1000th year of existence, becoming fully immortal and powerful, in exchange for turning asexual. Rory is one of the few remaining Apostles that has not yet transcended, Due to her only being 961 years old, which is 39 years too early to transcend.
