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Kaine (カイネ) is the head maid of Myui of the Formal Clan in the city of Italica.


Kaine is a very warm and generous person as shown she immediately thanked Itami for saving Italica and is completely loyal to Myui.


Kaine is an older woman with gray hair tied in a bun. She wears glasses as well as clothes of a noble. In the anime, she is a thin middle-aged woman with blonde hair and doesn't wear glasses.


Kaine is the head maid of the Formal Clan's servants. She taught all of the maids how to perform their duties and gave specialized training to humanoid species, such as helping Aurea restrain her urge to drain peoples' life force. Following Colt Formal's death, she began to take care of his daughter, Myui so she could represent the clan as she is too young for the position.

When the JSDF arrived to Italica, Itami volunteered to help defend the city from the remnants of the Allied Army, much to her gratitude. After the JSDF routed the bandits, Kaine decided to send several maids to Alnus to spy on the JSDF's activities, such as Delilah and Meia. After Itami was roughed up by members of the Rose-Order of Knights who arrived late to the battle and oblivious to the situation, Kaine told him that he could destroy the city if he wished it with the clan's assistance, which he found outrageous and declined, much to her relief.

Delilah eventually obtained a forged letter bearing the clan's seal to assassinate Noriko Mochizuki but failed in her task, being severely wounded by Akira Yanagida. The JSDF inspected Delilah's room and found the seal on the letter, prompting an investigation into the clan. Kaine admitted that she had sent maids to spy at the Alnus settlement, but had not ordered Delilah to do something so reckless. After realizing that Bartholomew was the only one who had access to the seal, the butler was thrown into the dungeon and interrogated by Kaine and several maids who wanted to kill him for his act. Kaine prevented them from doing so, as they still needed to prove the clan's innocence. She then witnessed his confession and did not mind when Delilah recovered and killed him for his treachery.

Skills & Abilities[]


  • She was once an inhabitant of Rosa, a place which have fallen under Empire's rule since thirty years ago.
  • She may be a follower of the Emroy faith as she had warmly and reverently greeted Rory Mercury when the latter came to "rescue" Itami with the rest of Recon 3.

